Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Big Trees and Strange Machines

Well, after a long trip back to the surface to visit family and friends (and catch up on my college work!) I finally returned to the Cavern. Man, was I ever surprised! There were so many new ages and areas available! I remembered that I still had a journey to finish, so with a sad look back at the museum, I returned to Relto to head to the next age.

Which happened to be Kadish Tolesa. When I arrived, I found myself getting pelted on the head by these large, strange objects. It took me a minute, but I discovered the the objects were actually giant leaves! And what I had taken for rock walls were actually trunks of trees. Simply amazing! I traversed the age, and stumbled upon an odd mechanical device set on a large dias. I looked through it and found out that it was some sort of puzzle lock. I tried fiddling with it to make it work, but it refused to do anything. Giving up for the time being, I wandered through the rest of the Age, and found two more devices similar to the first. At the third device I also found a linking book back to the Cavern. Feeling a bit frustrated with the devices in the Age, I decided a trip back to D'ni might help me clear my head.

It's a good thing I went back! I arrived in the Gallery, and spent some time looking at the stained glass displays. I noticed that one of the displays resembled the views through the devices in Kadish Tolesa! On a hunch, I went back and made the devices match the gallery displays.

As I made my way deeper into the age, I found that I had to take many trips back to the Gallery to find the clues I needed to proceed. But, at last, I finally found the Journey Door, after making a heart-stopping leap to reach it. Once through, I obtained another pillar, and heard more about the evils of the D'ni society,especially it's greed.

Hearing this speech, I had to question the Restoration. Are we sure that we want to revive a civilization that could enslave others? We haven't even completely made it past the slave-stage ourselves. Could the revival of D'ni start that over again?

I should think on this more.

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